Empathy & Safety Expert

Meet JaLynne Fletcher: Your Compassionate Guide

Specializes in treating clients who suffer from depression, anxiety, and trauma. I take time to understand each client and allow their input into what they need from therapy. I blend their needs with my training and expertise to enhance their counseling experience. I focus on teaching skills and encourage the practice and integration of the skills in the client's daily life.


Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)


Liberty University, Masters Degree in
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited

Utah State University, Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education

Types of Therapy / Treatment Methods

Cognitive Behavior Therapy, CBT Trauma Focused- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, TF-CBT Cognitive, Processing Therapy, CPT

Works With

Women, Teens, Pre-teens. Individuals with developmental and learning difficulties...

Future Groups

Girls group
Women's group
Developmental disability group

Charities & Affiliations & Memberships

Idaho Certified Counselor

American Counseling Association

Outside The Office

Enjoys being outdoors walking, biking, and enjoying nature, spending time with her kids, doing crafts and creating things from making jewelry to sewing quilts.